A Practical Guide to Implementing Security in Flutter Apps
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A Practical Guide to Implementing Security in Flutter Apps
Theming is an essential part of any application. It helps to create a consistent look and feel across the app. In Flutter, theming is done using ThemeData class. However, sometimes you need more control over the theming process. In this article, we will explore advanced theming techniques in Flutter.
Optimistic state management is a technique in Flutter that immediately updates the UI in response to user actions, assuming the operation will succeed. This approach contrasts with traditional methods where the UI waits for server confirmation before reflecting changes
Everybody has chosen categories while filtering the content out. This action might have been overwhelming or boring for some of us while facing the ‘family tree’ of categories, their child categories, grandchild categories, etc. This endless hierarchy can make us feel lost at some point.
Until Dart 2.7 introduced Extension methods, it was often impractical or impossible to add some functionality to built-in classes or someone else's API.